About us

Heartcore Capital

We are a premier European venture capital firm helping founders build the next-generation of iconic global technology companies.

Investing in Happiness

Founded in 2007, Heartcore was built on our passion of working with high-potential founders.

Our network spans
the globe

  • Help you find talent to expand internationally
  • Work with the best industry experts
  • Raise money from investors worldwide.
Strong values and team cohesion is our secret sauce when investing in early-stage and growth technology companies across Europe. We have returned hundreds of millions of Euros to our investors. Our funds consistently rank in the top decile or quartile of their vintages.

More than 100 portfolio companies

We've backed more than 100 companies, with 65 companies currently active in the portfolio. Five unicorns and ten “soonicorns” have been created from initial early-stage investments. So far we have helped create over €10 billion in enterprise value. But like many of you who are reading this, we feel like we are just getting started.

Exceptional founder reputation. Heartcore takes the view that the entrepreneur is our customer.

Many other European investors have taken an “asset management” approach to venture capital, with a focus on financials and metrics and little understanding of the challenges of building a rapidly-growing organization. We are committed to a long-term trusting and caring relationship from seed stage to the IPO. Heartcore is a partner that can be relied on. Our founder NPS is second to none.

Respect for the journey. Being a founder is hard. And so you deserve capital that is respectful of and empathic with the entrepreneurial journey.

There will be times that are tough (there always are). And that's when we want to be by your side. To have your back and to nudge you forward. Sometimes we will disagree. But we will always do so with humility and empathy for the journey you have courageously chosen to be on. 

Get in touch if you’d like to talk to us about your company.

The best way to reach us is via someone we mutually know. Alternatively, you can also reach us at team@heartcore.com.

Our offices are located at the following addresses: